Marvel and Hulu's 'Runaways' Episode 1, 2 and 3 Review: Brilliant way to start the series!


Last night I started Marvel and Hulu's 'Runaways,' I have watched 3 episodes and I have nothing but good things to say thus far.

Centering on a group of witty teens who learn they’re part of Something Bigger, and/or have superpowers. Not only are these teens special, but their parents — who, so far as anyone else knows, are just a group of particularly talented and wealthy innovators — are in fact part of a an evil-ass cult called 'Pride' and there harnessing some serious demonic shit to put toward their own nefarious ends.

In the comics as soon as the kids come to the realisation of what there parents are up to, they almost immediately become the "Runaways" promised in the title, but, here the first 3 episodes are alot slower, which isn't a bad thing at all if your like me and you believe in character development.

Hulu have done it the right way and given each character -- kids and parents -- room to grow into real characters that we are starting to grow feelings for, showing us in great depth what there going through at this moment in time and what they will face. This was a bold move that has payed off greatly in my eyes. You look at Marvel's 'The Gifted' for example, when it comes to its characters it's a mess, jumping from character to character yet we don't really know an awful lot about these characters, they are to focused on getting straight into the nitty-gritty and not developing (tbh like most shows nowadays, straight in for the kill).

I have seen some critics complaining about the fact that it's slow and that infuriates me, they get payed for this shit and they don't even know what makes a good series, nor film for that matter, bias motherfu**ers got it all wrong! The hole score is great so far and I really look forward to seeing where this ends up!


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