MovieFest Movie Marathon: 'Akira' Review! Wow! What A Way To Introduce Anime To Us Westerners!

 • Akira, 1988 • 8.5/10 •

Katsuhiro Otomo co-wrote the screenplay of Akira and also directed this 1988 adaptation of his much-loved 1980s-era manga (comic book). When it arrived in America, it became a cult classic and introduced our Western audiences to anime, a genre that remains extremely popular to this day.

Akira is extraordinarily dense and enormously complicated, and things like story and characters tend to go out the window in favor of cosmic ideas, mysteries, bizarre imagery, and astounding levels of violence. It takes full advantage of the animated medium with its sheer imagination and intensity.

Considering I saw this for the first time two days ago, time has not yet dulled the sheer impact of the work, and the level of detail, movement, and fluidity is still highly impressive. It's still essential viewing for anyone who loves anime!


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