Money Monster review: Clooney, Roberts and O'Connell are terrific!

So i finally got around to watching this nearly a year later.

Though this familiar material has been done before, both better and worse, Jodie Foster directs with a satisfying combination of admirable skill and old-fashioned Hollywood entertainment. This is her fourth feature directorial effort, and, after working on House of Cards and Orange Is the new Black, she seems more technically proficient. Some sequences set in the TV studio of Money Monster contain many images and audio feeds, and Foster juggles them cleanly and effectively.

She tells her story with a few surprises, teeing up fairly typical scenes (a plea to the viewing audience, the kidnapper's girlfriend showing up, etc.) but then having them turn unexpected corners.

So on the majority i would just like to say kudos to Jodie Foster. Don't get me wrong it's not an amazing film and the plot is quite thin, but the cast where all on point and it was great to see George and Julia back together again, they really do work so well togther so that was the first great call by Foster. The second great call was getting Jack O' Connell, I really rate him and i have ever since I first saw him in #thisisengland and #skins, i knew he would be destined for great things (Starred Up, Unbroken, 71) and every film he appears in he just keeps proving me right. He really brought this film to life with a splendid solo performance and an even better duo performance with Clooney. Clooney was on point with some great lines and a real solid performance.

On the other hand, neither Clooney nor Roberts is particularly challenged here; both are asked to simply be their charming, movie star best. And though the movie is about financial fraud, the ending is more fantasy than reality (it's no The Big Short). But, as an entertainment, it's right on the money.



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