'Preacher' Season 2 episode 4 review: Viktor! Seth Rogen keeps proving why he is the man for the job

8.1/10 The second season of Preacher has done a great job of narrowing the show’s story to a central conflict between Jesse Custer and the Saint of Killers. However, there is one emerging subplot that has grown increasingly more interesting regarding a certain aspect of Tulip’s past. For the past two episodes, she’s been (just about) dodging a man named Viktor to the point where she becomes a recluse simply whenever someone mentions his name. However, his henchmen cornered her at the end of the 3rd episode, which means we’re about to find out what he’s really made of. How does Viktor’s appearance affect Jesse’s search for God? Or does he just get in the way of it. Picking up right where the last episode left off, Tulip hands over her gun to Viktor’s men. They take her into a van and drive off. As the henchmen bring Tulip into Viktor’s office, she can hear him screaming through the door. As he sizes her up, he wonders aloud what they’re going to do with her. M...