We now have a date for Tarantino's 9th film and it's not just any old date!!

Quentin Tarantino‘s next movie still doesn't have a title, but it does now have a release date and a rather interesting one at that. The film, which is set in Los Angeles in 1969 against the backdrop of the Manson Family murders, has been given a 2019 release date that suggests a certain amount of confidence from Sony.

Tarantino’s untiled ninth movie will open on August 9, 2019.

Honestly, you can tell a lot about a movie from its release date. In this case, August is a time when you open a movie that can’t hang in the initial onslaught of the summer, but is still big and accessible enough to stand tall during a season dominated by blockbusters. With a rumored budget of just under $100 million and a possible cast of movie stars, this release date is a very clear move – this is being positioned as a blockbuster and a moneymaker, not an awards darling (although Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds opened in August of 2009 and walked home with a handful of Oscars).

But there’s a little more to that release date than meets thee eye. August 9, 1969 was the actual day Sharon Tate and four of her fiends where murdered by Manson’s followers in her Los Angeles home.


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