'Peaky Blinders' Season 4, Episode 3 Review: 'Blackbird' gives us alot of Arthur!

Following last week’s threat from Luca Changretti, Tommy assembles the family to reveal his own Interesting course of action against the ever-present Mafia kingpin.

This meeting however is missing Arthur, who’s too "fucking busy" back in the office. After some hilarious “I’m fucking busy” retorts as factory workers begin to rebel, he’s soon ambushed by two of the Italian "hitmen" in the basement after being lashed with paint.

Paul Anderson generally owns the spotlight across this entire episode. His transformation from primal lunatic to a man coming to terms with relinquishing his gunning duties is oddly heartbreaking, especially as he takes the blame for John’s death in a heated exchange with Tommy. Is the show setting us up for the dramatic end of Arthur Shelby? Say it isn’t so!!

Elsewhere, Adrien Brody continues to be a transfixing delight as Luca; shovelling scones into the mouths of henchmen following their hysterical complaints about spotted dick. It’s borderline ridiculous, but it works due to Brody’s convincing performance.

It culminates with the deceiving twist of Polly arranging a meeting with Luca to negotiate a plan to save her family, aside from Tommy, but it's unclear wether it's part of the plan or her just being a scheming little witch.

This episode also dived a little deeper into the past of the main man himself, Tommy, giving us some insight on who he USE to be. With Arthur’s future looking uncertain, Polly dancing with the devil and Tommy’s life being threatened from the inside I just have to say, Wow, Peaky Blinders just keeps getting better!


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