Marvel And Hulu's 'Runaways' Episode 5 Review: 'Kingdom' Has Officially Made Me Fall In Love With This Show!


Wow! Do you remember me saying, just two days ago, that it was just about the perfect time for Marvel's Runaways to pick up the pace...

Well, I shit you not they have done just that and amplified it by about a thousand! Episode 5 was a Marvel in itself. We get to see the whole group of teens together, using there powers for the first real time -- with the exception of Gert and Alex -- and it's bloody awesome. I was a bit hesitant to see how they would handle the special effects side of it, but now thanks to 'Kingdom' I have complete faith in Hulu!

Not only do we get to see the kids taking down there first bad-guy, but we get a deeper look into Alex's dad's past as it fills out his character and its just as shady as you first expected. Don't worry, that's not it, they didn't stop there because the parents can't bloody help themselves and are up to there weird ritual's again. Last but not least, they finally answer some key questions that we have all been chomping at the bit to find out, like, who the fu** is that old wrinkly dude that keeps getting lucky? While we get some answers, they provide us with more intriguing questions...

Bonus points for Hulu, we have just had a new character introduced and it's not his first run-in with Marvel. Ahhh, I really want to say who as I'm so excited, oh well, I guess you will have to just find out for yourselves, kudos Hulu!

This episode took a dark turn and it was a pleasant surprise, some scenes will leave you completely gobsmacked, and some surprised, but the best part, it's all really coming together now! I'm really loving this show!!


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