Quentin Tarantino + Star Trek = Holy Sh**balls!

Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino's proposed "Star Trek" movie is a go and it's reportedly intended to be rated R.

Tarantino pitched his idea to J.J. Abrams and Paramount pictures for the next theatrical Star Trek with one main requirement, it has to be R-rated! Of course they accepted, who wouldn't?

According to Deadline, if reports turn out to be true, the project would mark a first 'R-rated' movie for the Paramount Pictures franchise, boldly going where no Trekkie has gone before.

The report also says screenwriters Mark L Smith, Lindsey Beer, and Drew Pearce are in the running to pen the script, with Smith as the apparent frontrunner. The plan is for Tarantino to direct.

There have been 13 "Star Trek" movies thus far, beginning with 1979's "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and most recently including a rebooted trilogy overseen by J.J. Abrams.


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