'The Emoji Movie' Review: WTF!

🌟The Emoji Movie🌟Review🌟2/10🌟

Directed by Tony Leondis

I had my little nephew today so I thought, hmmm what film should we watch... I chose The Emoji Movie, while I had an excuse to watch it.

So what do I have to say about this so called movie. I really don't know what I just watched, with the exception of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Sony continue to prove that they cannoy grasp the concept of filmmaking. What they also continue to prove is there just in it for the money, which makes me worry about future films they take on, like Venom for example.

So many talented actors and actresses star in this s**theap of a film and I honestly don't know what was going through the minds of, Patrick Stewart (Poo), T.J. Miller (Gene), James Corden (Hi-5), Anna Faris (Jailbreak) and Maya Rudolph (Smiler) when they signed on to do this film.

It follow' s the story of Gene, an exuberant Meh emoji with multiple expressions. Determined to become "normal" like the other emojis. It felt like it was trying to be a lot like Wreck-It Ralph and failed miserably in doing so, this movie is a sham, everything about it is terrible, the dialogue and screenplay were shocking and the story was stolen and messed up. Plus point my nephew loved it and he is 2 so anyone near that age should enjoy it! I can't wait to show him this when he's an adult


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