So here is another one for you guys and gals! What series do you prefer? If you watch Izombie and and watched Iron Fist then I'm sure you will all agree with what I am about to say.

Iron Fist lacked almost everything in the series making it for me (and I think the majority of the population) the worst Netflix/Marvel series to date. Finn Jones struggled to fulfil the full potential of the immortal Iron Fist and the majority of the time it just felt like he didn't belong there, the script wasn't great and Finn also didn't help make that any better. He looked the part but couldnt really act the part. There was some good action sequences especially when Colleen Wing was involved but other than that there was not much to remember. All I can say is thank God he redeemed himself in The Defenders!

Izombie is definitely the winner for me I have watched all series so far and I'm still just as excited to see the new one which couldn't come any sooner! Rose McIver is brilliant (and rather sexy if I don't say so myself) as the undead Liv Moore who eats the brains of the deados that come through the morgue and then ending up taking on there many different personalities which she does sublimely. Then there's a few other great cast members in Robert Knepper, David Anders and my favourite of all, fellow brit Rahul Kohli who is the pure source of laughs in this series and makes me chuckle every time he appears on screen. I really love the hole idea of it and they have a nice little flow going now and such great chemistry. So for me dc's Izombie wins this battle! What about you?

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