Marvel Vs Dc: 'The Defenders' Vs 'Arrow' Who wins?


Well I'm not to sure about this one, but I think I'm gonna have to go with The Defender's for my winner. Arrow is always up and down, it's really good, then bad, then ok, then really bad, then great etc. I have always felt that it's maybe due to Amell who for me isn't the best pick for the titular role, he is ok but nothing special and he doesn't really resemble the comic character we know that much, plus he is just a lil bit cheesy. But I like the majority of the other character's, good and bad, like there take on Deadshot, Diggle, Deathstroke, Malcolm and a few others. Plus 8 times out of 10 the story is intriguing and I thoroughly enjoy it, the only thing I struggle with is Amell. Great show but can be severely annoying at times.

The Defenders on the other hand is great, it started off a little shaky but slowly started to grow into a wicked series, the chemistry was brilliant between the four of our defenders and for me is the main reason why it was successful. It wasn't as amazing as Daredevil season 1 or Jessica Jones but it's still good nonetheless. Danny Rand as I said in my post the other day redeemed himself considerably looking much more comfortable in his role. Jessica Jones was her usual brilliant self with her big ass attitude. Luke Cage was rather funny especially when he and Danny where together (which was great to see due to the relationship they will have in the near future). Daredevil was still his usual mistrusting self who always seems to be so cool even when he's not trying to be. Sigourney Weaver was fully committed to her role as the intimidating Alexandra. The hole cast was really spot on everyone from every series good and bad! I really did enjoy it, the action sequences, the comedy, the plot, it was just a little to rushed at the start! What do you guys think? Who wins?


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