'American Assassin' Review: Dylan O'Brien is a badass motherfluffer!

🌟American Assassin🌟Review🌟7.7/10🌟

Directed by Michael Cuesta

Starring: Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton, Taylor Kitsch, Sanaa Lathan, Shivar Negar and Scott Adkins

So I have a rather funny tale to tell... Last night, me and the girlfriend took a trip down to the local cinema to see Kingsman: The Golden Circle... So we bought are tickets, went to our screen (5) sat there watching all the trailers and all the other bollocks they like to show us for 20 mins and then it came up saying.... AMERICAN ASSASSIN, so I'm instantly like what the Fu**, are we being fobbed off by the cinema, I didn't pay to see this, what's going on? Then I notice it actually said screen 2 on our tickets but by then are actual film had already started so we had to stay and watch this one. Morale of the story: Should of gone to specsavers!

Anyway digress... The film was nowhere near as bad as all these other people are making it out to be. Yeah it's got a few week points in the story and a few plot holes in the script, yeah it was a tad like Bourne and yeah there were a few cut scenes (who doesn't cut scenes nowadays), but the acting all over was second to none, and Dylan O'Brien absolutely killed it.

The story follows young CIA black ops recruit Mitch Rapp (O'Brien), who goes through a life changing event and ends up deciding he wants to fight against terrosits (thus starting his black ops career). He joins Cold War veteran Stan Hurley (Keaton) to try stop the launching of a nuclear weapon in the Middle East.

I love Dylan O'Brien, ever since I first saw him in Teen Wolf I knew this kid would go far and since then we have seen him take on a couple of different roles but none as physical or in-depth as this one (Maze Runner comes close). He really can do anything, the way he moved, the way he fought and the way he looked really made me feel like he had been doing this stuff all his life (Black Ops that is). But that for me isn't the reason why I love him, it's the way he portrays all the emotions in the book, in everything I have ever seen him in and this is no different. He has the tendency of drawing me into pretty much anything I see him in.

Keaton, Kitsch, Negar and even Adkins were all brilliant, the cast were well selected and performed sublimanly together, only one who didn't was Sanaa Lathan, she looked really out of place. There were a few scenes were I lost interest (preferred Bourne) but then there were also a couple of scenes I preferred more than Bourne (car scene in the tunnel for example). Could of Definitely been better but worth a watch just for the acting alone.


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