'We Need To Talk About Kevin' Review: What A Brutal Film! Must See!

• We Need To Talk About Kevin, 2011 • 9/10 •

Wow...! I've just finished watching 'We Need To Talk About Kevin' and I have to say I'm completely blown away, totally depressed, but blown away.

Lynne Ramsay is on top form again with a film that is very similar to her other works -- her films are always quite bleak, marked with themes of grief, guilt and death and it's aftermath.

Tilda Swinton is absolutely breathtaking as an emotionless mother who is struggling with parenthood. Eva has to give up her beloved freedom and bohemian lifestyle to have a child, a child she doesn't want. She resented every part of the pregnancy, and when her son was born it only got worse, he cried constantly and never took to his mum, although sometimes she tried to bond, she never really made enough effort (in my eyes). She never had time or patience for him, and whenever she did make the effort she would quickly loose her temper, sometimes resulting in things you don't want to see. As he get's older and grows into a teen, he starts to see the resentment and dispassion toward him from his mother, from then on, things take a turn for the worse, ending up in a horrific act that Eva has to try and live with.

If you have watched this film you will know that it could have two possibilities. It could have been the fact that Kevin knew how his mum felt about him through his childhood and in the end he became to resent her and life itself, or he could of just been a bad seed, unsavable from birth, Ramsay displays both sides, leaving us to make our own choice where either one is right. This film is going to stay with me for a while!

Sidenote - I never knew Ezra Miller was creepy AF, sensational performance!


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