'Terminal' Review: Style Over Substance, And That Never Goes Down To Well With Me! Margot Is Great Though, Der!

• Terminal, 2018 • 5.4/10 •

'Terminal' is a modern film noir that looks great, but suffers from your typical case of style over substance. Crafted In a similar mold to 'The Usual Suspects' only just routine and all too obvious.

The movies setting generated an almost entirely artificial world devoid of daylight and used deep spaces to ominous effect -- a little to much at times. There were some cool shots but nothing special and the score was mediocre.

Although the film was all over the place, Margot Robbie was absolutely sensational, stealing scene after scene and saving this film. Simon Pegg felt wasted, and it was weird seeing Mike Myers in his first live-action movie role in what, 10 years? Dexter Fletcher was quite enjoyable in almost the same role he played in Lock Stock, and that's about it really.

Maybe if they went with a little less style and a little more story, it could of been a decent crime thriller, not just a mediocre one!


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