'Cargo' Review: I Didn't See That Coming!

• Cargo, 2018 • 8.4/10 •

Martin Freeman puts in a stirling performance as a father trying to save his family in the Australian out-back, which has been ravaged by a deadly, rabies-like pandemic. While many of the clichéd ingredients of a standard zombie movie are here, what shines through most strongly is the drive that Andy (Martin Freeman's character) has to try and preserve his family and particularly his baby daughter.

Civilisation seems very remote in this harshly beautiful scenery. But there are a few survivors, most significantly Vic, a vicious thug played by Anthony Hayes. In general, though, the white people and their medicine seem impotent in the face of the unfamiliar disease while aboriginals have reverted to their old ways and customs which gradually feel more convincing to Andy. He teams up with a young girl, Thoumi (Simone Landers) who is also trying to protect her father.

The film is gory, but not gratuitously so, and in many ways it's better than average zombie fair. Their's is a bitter struggle, but thought-provoking and not without hope.

All in all, what a lovely surprise. Filled with some lovely cinematography, great character driven performances, and a rather tragic but beautiful story. Must see!


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