MovieFest Movie Marathon #2: 'North By Northwest' Review!

• MovieFest Movie Marathon #2 • North By Northwest • 8.7/10 •

Sure to entertain viewers with even the most diverse of tastes, the film is a true cinematic pleasure with an impressive pedigree (you wouldn't expect any less with Hitchcock behind it). North by Northwest is consistently light and comic. Some sort of silly comment or joke relieves even the tensest scene. Cary Grant is superb as Thornhill. The character demands large tonal shifts, from mama's boy to suave sophisticate, from terrified man on the run to indignant pawn of the government, and Grant pulls it all off convincingly. Eve Kendall (Eva Marie Saint) is a perfect foil for Thornhill's man under pressure. She's cool and mysterious, leaving Thornhill unsure of whether to trust her for much of their time together. Deffo a must see for any true movie lover, what an experience!

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