Is 'Hannibal' coming back for sason 4? With its original cast! Check out what Bryan Fuller had to say!

I'm so pumped! Hannibal was one of the best shows on television, period. Like most great television shows it didn’t get its due and was canceled not long before it won a Saturn Award due to its small cult fanbase (didn't get enough viewers). Creator Bryan Fuller along with the extremely dedicated fanbase have never really given up hope that the series would return someday. Fuller has said that they couldn’t start talking about bringing the series back until atleast two years after the finale had aired. That was August of 2015 and when a fan recently asked Fuller if the talks had started he confirmed that they have and that Producer Martha De Laurentiis is on it like sonic.

Fuller has also stated that stars Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen would be on board if the series came back.
“The cast is game, I’m game,” Fuller previously stated. “It’s just a matter of finding the right time where everybody’s schedules sync up, but I would love to continue to tell the story with Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen. They’re such a fantastic collaborators, and one of the most satisfying actor-showrunner relationships I’ve ever had in this industry. So I would love to continue this story.”
Now the tweet is by no means confirmation that the show is coming back but the fact that Fuller and De Laurentiis started the talks as soon as they were able seems to imply they want the show back as much as we do. and as quick as we do. 


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