Well I'm uber excited about black manta being the selected villain for DCEU's upcoming movie Aquaman and here's why...

For starters Black Manta is Aquamans archenemy and this all started when he was a young boy, if they use his origin story from #6 of the 1993 Aquaman series which I'm hoping (as there was an alternate one to)then In this origin the story goes...  The boy who would become Black Manta grew up in BaltimoreMaryland, and loved to play by the Chesapeake Bay. As a youth he was kidnapped and forced to work on a ship for an unspecified amount of time, where he was sexually abused by his captors. At one point, he saw Aquaman with his dolphin friends and tried to signal him for help but was not seen. Finally, in the end he was forced to defend himself, killing one of his tormentors with a knife. This experience will change this young boys life forever and as a result he winds up  Hating the emotionless sea and Aquaman, whom he saw as its representative, the boy was determined to become its master.

As an adult, the man who would become Black Manta designed a costume (primarily a black wetsuit with a cool ass bug-eyed helmet, that was able to shoot rays from its eyes) and fashioned a high-tech submersible inspired by manta rays. Taking the name Black Manta, he and his masked army became a formidable force.

Now this is the part I'm looking forward to as noone to this day apart from the creators know his last name!! We found out his first name was a rather ordinary David in 2010 brightest day storyline, so will we finally find it out?? 

I'm also hoping that they don't kill him off in the first film as they battle threw out several years and have some epic fights and later on in life Black Manta even retires from supervillainy although it's just for a short time before he returns to his criminal career and vendetta against Aquaman, so if they do it right we can expect a lot from him. Also super excited to see how they do his costume and helmet should look so cool. So are you excited?? Do you know black manta?? #CAF #MsaNewsandViews 


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