'The Handmaids Tale' Season 1 Review: So Realistically Relevant!

"Ordinary is just what you're used to," an imperious taskmistress tells her charges in the first episode of Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale. "This may not seem ordinary to you right now, but after a time, it will. This will become ordinary."

When it comes to content, The Handmaid's Tale is one of the strongest contenders I have ever seen, in both film and TV. This series is is so realistically relevant to current social issues it's scary, to be honest I bet even if the series were released 10 years from now, it would still feel as equally relevant. The Handmaid's Tale is even often hard to watch a few times as its violence is so so gritty.

Handmaid's themes - the cruelty and illiberal thinking of organized religion, which opens up democracies to slip into authoritarianism as a result of misogyny - found an eager new audience. There are ample powerful scenes in the series, which really brings out the most revolting ideas from everyone.

On a narrative level, "Handmaid" is at times at its most innovative when it's tracking characters who otherwise might well have been lost, exploring in more detail just all of the factors which led to the fall of America and the rise of little old Gilead. On the latter score, in fact, the show makes full use of this opportunity to heighten the nature of the fertility crisis, which, we discover, was instrumental in the political crisis that created this world.

Every detail of The Handmaid's Tale, from the distinctive costuming of the maids - massive hoods that shield their faces, making engagement with the world limited - to the supporting performances, hit exactly the right note every single time. Elisabeth Moss's performance is one of the most powerful performances I have seen on TV. Yvonne as Serena also shone bright with a captivating performance. Is there any wonder as to why this show won awards? No, the only thing I wonder is why it didn't win more!

Visually, The Handmaid's Tale is surprisingly brilliant. The cinematography is haunting at its best and the background score is menacing.

The Handmaid's Tale is one of the most affecting socially relevant TV Series of all time and it's a must see! I did this review today at the perfect time, come back 8pm UK time tonight see why!


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