'Mad Max: Fury Road' Review: The Second Most Beautiful Film Of 2015!

⭐ Mad Max: Fury Road ⭐ Review ⭐ 9.3/10 ⭐

Mad Max: Fury Road, starring Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, is George Miller's attempt to reignite his long dormant Mad Max franchise...and my god does he ever.

For the past decade or so action movies seem to be struggling to capture the excitement and enjoyment the genre once held (bar your John wicks, Sicario, The Raid and a few others); a tenacity that classics from the 80's and 90's had by the bucket-load. George Miller single handedly delivers our saving grace of 2015 with Fury Road on the back of a spike covered oil rig and a blind zombie playing a fire breathing electric guitar.

Max is a man of few words, but Tom Hardy's talent for portraying strong, silent characters (Taboo strongly comes to mind) shines through in a gruff but sympathetic performance. He teams up with Charlize Theron's Imperator Furiosa to pretty much save the last 5 hot women on earth from the leader of a powerful cult, Immortan Joe. From there, the chase is on.

Using this simple plot as the setting, we are able to bear witness to one of the most beautifully shot films in years (alongside The Revenant) and that's thanks to another wonder behind the camera, Oscar winner, John Seale (The English Patient). The world of Mad Max looks absolutely gorgeous, combining awe-inspiring practical effects and landscapes with bold colours brimming from all edges of the frame. These are of course just bonuses in enhancing the primary reason people will love this film, the action itself.

I'm happy to report these action sequences are damn near flawless. No shaky cam, barely a hint of CGI, and scenes where we actually feel like our characters are in danger. Total chaos relentlessly ensues for the majority of the film, but it's chaos you can follow clearly and marvel at. Whether it's one of the explosive car sequences, or one of the smaller emotional moments, Mad Max: Fury Road refuses to let up on tension for one second.

Alongside 'The Revenant' these two films were the best of 2015. Both are truly gripping in there own respects and they are both still to date some of the most beautifully shot films I have ever layed my eyes on.


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