'Happy' Season 1 Spoiler-Free Review: Darn Right Crazy And Bloody Awesome!

⭐ Happy ⭐ Season 1 ⭐ Spoiler-Free Review ⭐ 9/10 ⭐

This is the show much of the population needs. It's a train wreck...but a great one.

Christopher Meloni is terrific. He comes across great as an ex-cop who's life is "swirling around in a toilet that will never flush." Those that slam his acting, I don't know what you would expect out of an actor portraying the character he's acting out. He's very believable as a man who's his own worst enemy. Patton Oswald is this character in his everyday life. Its almost as if they wrote Happy to be played by Patton. The other characters do enough to not be awful. I don't believe the budget was as such to add highly touted actors and actresses, but they are by no means the type of actors you'd see in a syfy original movie.

The CGI is fine for what it is. Happy is a real-life imaginary character or a little girl. He looks like a cartoon. What would you expect a little child to have as an imaginary friend?? Besides that, I can't recall any noticeable CGI anyway.

 In a day and age where the PC has taken over our culture, and everything has to be love and peace and multiple genders and everyone is pure, this is a breath of fresh air. It's a TV show for crying out loud. The "gore" is above average, but not insane. Much of it is done in a "comical" way. (using a fire extinguisher to finish off an enemy, yet treating the fire extinguisher as if its a male appendage and urinating it's contents on the baddie).

As for the language...its colorful!! Another breath of fresh air. I think the box office results of Logan and Deadpool have shown that many viewers enjoy the language. It adds a sense of realism. MANY of us, if not almost all, curse in our everyday lives. If 4 guys just tried to kill you and an imaginary flying cartoon unicorn started talking to you, I'm sure "appropriate language" wouldn't be coming out of your mouths.

As for the comedy: take a character from a 3 year old's television show, and cross it with a character from a Quentin Tarantino film. What kind of comedy would you expect? Exactly what you get in this show. Not every joke is a home run, but they never are, that's impossible. The comedy is fine and most times hits it's mark and is rather amusing.

All in all, its a fun show, with a little bit of mystery, as well as some flat out weird crap!! Almost impossible not to enjoy if you have ever liked anything Rated R.


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