Where to begin with the smash hit American tv series Westworld so far WOW, should we start with the twisted dark passenger the man in black or the Very smart manipulative Maeve or the lost Dolores. All three of these characters have made this show what it is, an epic thunderclust of awesomeness.

If anyone had the privilege of seeing  Michael Chrichton's 1973 movie of the same name then you roughly know the jist of it, even still it is so confusing for anyone to follow.

The three character's I mentioned before are my favourites but there are so many other top class actors playing so many mind boggling characters with some crazy agendas including Dr Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins), Bernard Lowe (Jeffrey Wright), Teddy Flood (James Marsden). Such a brilliant cast!!

Ok so now I'm going to move on to sharing my theory with you guys but remember it's my theory not fact so...


The overwhelming impression we've got of Ford is that he's a kind of writerly control freak. He's more interested in creating stories that play out entirely between hosts than ones that seem to involve guests, and as we saw in episode 8, he doesn’t seem to be interested in giving hosts true control over their own lives, even as he brings them closer and closer to consciousness.
Throughout the season, we've seen hints of a grand "final narrative" that will see Ford upending the park as we know it. But that narrative has always seemed a bit boring — a slightly fancier version of the normal cowboy gunfights. As much as I've enjoyed Teddy's journey from hero to potential in-game villain, his story doesn't have the stakes of the Man in Black playing a secret meta-game that will unveil the secrets of the park, or Elsie stumbling on a corporate-espionage plot that seemingly results in Delos board members being replaced by hosts. But what if all these plots — and implicitly, the entire show we've been watching — are the actual narrative?
Earlier in the series, it seemed like sparking true consciousness was Ford's real goal. But it's feeling more and more like he wants everything to be as predictable, and as controllable, as his bots. Characters in Westworld already move more like pawns than people, following clues and coincidences in a world we know Ford micromanages. His endgame isn't to tell a story inside the park, it's to turn everything around the park into a melodrama for his own amusement. And he’s spent 30 years bringing it to fruition. In other words, Ford's final narrative for Westworld is… Westworld.
So what do you think?? Could I be right?? What's your theory?? Who's your favourite character?? Hope you enjoyed my theory hopefully it will get you thinking #CAF #MsaNewsandViews


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