'Red Sparrow' Review: Boring, Dull And Way To Looong!

• Red Sparrow, 2018 • Review • 5.5/10 •

Jennifer Lawrence re-teams with her Hunger Games director for this more grown-up attempt at a complex, sexy thriller, but the result is airless, mopey, and dull. Lawrence gets to try on a finely tuned Russian accent, as well as many gorgeous costume, makeup, and hairstyle changes, but although she tries her best, the character never really comes to life. The story is based on a novel by Jason Matthews, and it's structured adequately; Red Sparrow looks and sounds good, but it just fails to find a spark -- and it's far too chilly to be sexy and vice versa.

It also never generates much suspense; it moves sluggishly and gets more and more tiresome as it trudges through its 139 loooong minutes. And don't even get me started on how bad some of the CGI was. The only thing, or shall I say person, I actually liked was obviously the forever awesome Joel Edgerton, him and a few half decent ideas kept this above a 5!.


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