'Lost In Space' Reboot, Season 1 Review: Netflix Have Made Another Visual Masterpiece, If, You Have The Patience To Get Through It!

• Lost In Space, 2018 • Review • 8.7/10 • Netflix yet again delivers an exciting new show which while I felt took a few episodes to truely get invested in, is well worth your time, so, if you are looking to binge on a fun scifi show which has been sorely lacking in today's roster of must see tv, this is for you. I will admit going into this, that while I was aware this was a reboot based on an old tvshow and film I had never watched the prior material (apart from the odd episode), which made it easier for me to enjoy. The visuals are completely out of this world! There are some beautiful locations shown here and a variety to, from great ice glaciours to black Rocky Mountains to alien forests and wide open planes, all the areas are often given beautiful wide shots, used to their fullest and changed up enough so they don't get boring. Visual effects are outstanding and it was a treat to watch some amazing flying space ship sequences. Characters I found a little rocky, esp...