★★★★★ Few scenes in the history of film are as iconic as Norman Bates stabbing Janet Leigh to death in the shower. To audiences today, that famous scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho may seem somewhat standard (not me), but it’s hard to overstate how shocking it was to audiences in 1960. Not only was it unheard of to kill off your protagonist halfway through a film, but the decision to do so essentially changed the way we watch movies, with Hitchcock himself encouraging viewers to watch the film from the very beginning or risk ruining the experience. When it became clear that A&E’s Bates Motel was hurtling toward the same historic moment in its final season, fans started to wonder: Would the show subvert the shower scene, or fall under the weight of Psycho ’s legacy? It turns out that series co-creators Kerry Ehrin and Carlton Cuse had a few surprises up their sleeves, playing with audience expectations and even transposing gender roles in a powe...